
Updating my website for GDPR

One of the side-effects of working in credit-scoring, and especially working for a credit bureau, is that you tend to become very concerned about privacy issues. This website is implemented in blogdown using the Hugo static website generator and the Academic theme. When I launched the website, just before the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, the implementation tools provided some basic GDPR support. Since then, some more privacy-related features have been added - so I feel obliged to add them to my site.

Launching, my new blogdown-based website

I created my first personal website in 2006 using Google Sites. This served me well enough for relatively static content but didn’t really suit me for more involved content like blog posts of technical analyses. Eventually I got rather behind in updating it, so now that site is quite out of date. Web technology has moved on since 2006. In particular, the R blogdown package has been released to simplify construction of websites, especially technical blogging based on R analyses.